Let’s get this party started!

Welcome! Thanks to the generous, creative, and talented Mike Palumbo, MindsInBloom.com has come to life! A special welcome to Monday Homeschool Classes families. Visit the galleries and see what all the MHC Keva classes have been building during the Winter 2011 session and a new gallery of Special Events, which has photos from previous MHC Share Days and our Winter 2010 Intersession. Coming soon, I will be creating an archive of the previous MHC Keva classes. Thanks also to the parent volunteers who have taken many of these photos. You have given us a wonderful window on the creativity, talent, and dare we say–genius–of our builders. If you have photos or video from our classes that you’d like to contribute, please let me know. The site is still under construction, but you simply have to see all these wonderful photos. View them, enjoy them, download and print them (downloading is fairly intuitive, but I’ll provide the details shortly) and do so following all the privacy/use policies of all MHC photos.

Thanks for all the support of the MHC families and the committee. Come build with us on Share Day, March 14th. We’ll be designing habitats for Hexbug Nanos.

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